Sunday, June 13, 2010

I hate waiting...

Waiting..waiting..waiting! I absolutely hate waiting.
Waiting to find out if our baby is a boy or a girl is KILLING ME!
We might find out in 2 weeks but I am so impatient, I
just want to know NOW!

I had a dream last night that I had a baby boy and he was
really well behaved and so stinkin cute! I hate waiting
and I am so impatient. Hopefully we can find out
what we are having so I can actually start buying
things. Keep your fingers crossed!!


  1. Oh man I will be the exact same way I just know it! At least your close to finding out! I'm so excited for you

  2. how far along are you? you cant find out i thought till 18 to 20 weeks are you that far already
